Ioana O. Bercea


E-mail: (replace X with my last name, i.e. starts with b...)

Lindstedtsvägen 5
S-10044 Stockholm
Office: 4541

I am a (tenure-track) Assistant Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, Sweden.
I am part of the Division of Theoretical Computer Science of the Computer Science Department.

Previously, I was a Postdoc in the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) group at the IT University of Copenhagen, hosted by Prof. Thore Husfeldt. Before joining BARC, I was a Postdoc at Tel Aviv University, hosted by Prof. Guy Even.

I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland.
I had the privilege of being advised by Prof. Samir Khuller.
I obtained my Master's degree from UMD under the supervision of Prof. Aravind Srinivasan.
I graduated from the University of Chicago, with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Honors) and Computer Science.

Curriculum Vitae, Publications (dblp), Google Scholar

Research Interests

I am interested in the broad area of Theoretical Computer Science and specifically in
  • Data Structures (e.g. dictionaries and Bloom filters)
  • Randomized and Approximation Algorithms (e.g. hashing, clustering)
  • Computational Geometry (e.g. Traveling Salesman Problem)



Conference Papers

13. Online sorting and online TSP: randomized, stochastic, and high-dimensional.
Joint work with : Mikkel Abrahamsen, Lorenzo Beretta, Jonas Klausen, László Kozma
     ESA'24, [ArXiv]

12. Aleph Filter: To Infinity in Constant Time.
    In order for contribution: Niv Dayan, Ioana O. Bercea , Rasmus Pagh
     VLDB'24, [ArXiv]

11. Daisy Bloom Filters.
    Joint work with Jakob Bæk Tejs Houen, Rasmus Pagh
    SWAT'24, [ArXiv]

10. Locally Uniform Hashing.
    Joint work with Lorenzo Beretta, Jonas Klausen, Jakob Bæk Tejs Houen, Mikkel Thorup
    FOCS'23, [ArXiv]

9. InfiniFilter: Expanding Filters to Infinity and Beyond.
    In order for contribution: Niv Dayan, Ioana O. Bercea , Pedro Reviriego , Rasmus Pagh
    SIGMOD'23, [video]
    Awarded Best Artifact of ACM SIGMOD 2023

8. An Extendable Data Structure for Incremental Stable Perfect Hashing.
    Joint work with Guy Even
    STOC'22, [video]

7. Dynamic Dictionaries for Multisets and Counting Filters with Constant Time Operations.
    Joint work with Guy Even
    WADS'21, [ArXiv]
    Invited to the special issue of Algorithmica

6. Upper Tail Analysis of Bucket Sort and Random Tries.
    Joint work with Guy Even
     CIAC'21, [ArXiv]
    Invited to the special issue of Theoretical Computer Science

5. A Dynamic Space-Efficient Filter with Constant Time Operations.
    Joint work with Guy Even
    SWAT'20, [ArXiv]

4. On the Cost of Essentially Fair Clusterings.
    Joint work with Martin Groß, Samir Khuller, Aounon Kumar, Clemens Rösner, Daniel Schmidt, Melanie Schmidt
    APPROX'19, [ArXiv]

3. Improved Bounds for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighborhoods on Uniform Disks.
    CCCG'18, [ArXiv]

2. Minimizing Uncertainty through Sensor Placement with Angle Constraints.
    Joint work with Volkan Isler, Samir Khuller
    CCCG'16, [ArXiv]

1. On Computing Maximal Independent Sets of Hypergraphs in Parallel.
    Joint work with Navin Goyal, David G. Harris, Aravind Srinivasan
    SPAA'14, [ArXiv]
    Invited to the special issue of ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing